Tuesday, December 28, 2010

In Puii Mei - Perversa ca pe Targu Ocna

Totul porneste de la doi batrani:

Perversa ca pe Tg. Ocna

Este vorba despre clasica apostare din Rahova timp de o ora, adica 60 de minute, 3600 secunde si antebratul pt care individul s-a chinuit mult sa-l finiseze, numai ca acum i-au dat de i l-au julit"

In puii mei: Nu stiu d'astea la matimoniale

Este vorba despre cele doua vedete din Moldova, ii stiti, unul o tine pe a lui ca nu stie pluralul, apoi vrea sa-si gaseasca o prietena, napustindu-se asupra microfonului pt a cere fetelor din toata tara sa apeleze la el, iar prietenul sau pur si simplu repeta ca papagalul ori vorbeste prin conjunctii:

Nu stiu deastea - Prietenii telecomanda

In romania prostia-i la putere, nici macar pluralul nu-l stiu astia doi:

Monday, December 6, 2010

Funny football video 1

Accidents, fights, mistakes, incidents and many funny situations:


Many funny accidents and some people are very lucky:

Funny accidents

A picture funny accidents compilation with cars, plains and trains:

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Best funny commercials 2

Among Pepsi, Smash, Japp, MC Donald's, Panasonic, BUD Light, Axe, and John West commercials the best of them is the one's with Coca Cola, when a little boy buy two boils to be taller for getting a Pepsi. It's the best commercial that I saw until now. Just follow the video:

Best funny commercials 1

Some cool commercials: with a newspaper, a babe and a very funny remembrance for two old wemen.

Funny Video: virals1

It's a collection of the funniest YouTube videos. Most of them you have seen yet, but... for the pleasure to remember these, just look again: